
Back Pack 5 (JE6) - Unit 1-3 Review

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  • Make a past tense sentence using an irregular verb.
    Student Choice.
  • How often do you go swimming?
    Student Choice.
  • Make a sentence with the gerund as the subject.
    Student Choice.
  • Name 3 genres of movies.
    Student Choice.
  • What could you make with wood and nails?
    Student Choice.
  • I could make a bag for my lunch box. (make the question)
    What could you make with ________ & _________?
  • Tell me 3 regular verbs (past tense)
    Student Choice.
  • Name 3 genres of movies.
    Student Choice.
  • Tell me 3 irregular verbs (past tense)
    Student Choice.
  • Tell me 3 regular verbs (past tense)
    Student Choice.
  • I could make a pair of shoes. (make the question)
    What could you make with ________ & _________?
  • Compare people in your family (ex: younger/youngest). 2 sentences.
    Student Choice.
  • What TV genre do you hate? Why? (3 sentences)
    Student Choice.
  • What could you make with copper wire?
    Student Choice.
  • How often do you play video games?
    Student Choice.
  • Tell me 3 irregular verbs (past tense)
    Student Choice.
  • Describe what your dad looks like; use 4 adjectives.
    Student Choice.
  • Compare people in your family (ex: younger/youngest). 2 sentences.
    Student Choice.
  • How often do you visit your grandmother & grandfather?
    Student Choice.
  • Make a questions with the Gerund as the object.
    Student Choice.
  • Describe what your mom looks like; Use 4 adjectives.
    Student Choice.
  • What TV genre is your favorite? Why? (3 sentences)
    Student Choice.
  • How often do you study English?
    Student Choice.
  • Make a past tense sentence using a regular verb.
    Student Choice.