
Identify the Direction

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  • "Stop the movie before it ends"
    The important words are: "stop the movie"
  • "Remember to call Grandma"
    The important words are: "call grandma"
  • "Brush your teeth before bed"
    The important words are: "brush your teeth"
  • "Line up for recess after the movie"
    The important words are: "line up for recess"
  • "Raise your hand if you know the answer"
    The important words are: "raise your hand"
  • "Catch the door before it slams"
    The important words are: "catch the door"
  • "Do your homework before you watch TV
    The important words are: "Do your homework"
  • "Clean your dishes after you eat"
    The important words are: "Clean your dishes"
  • "Draw a circle around the right answer"
    The important words are: "draw a circle"
  • "Pay for your food before you leave"
    The important words are: "Pay for your food"
  • "Close the door when you leave."
    The important words are: Close the door
  • "Call me when you get home"
    The important words are: "Call me"
  • "Write a definition for each of the words listed."
    The important words are: "Write a definition"
  • "If you're cold, close the window"
    The important words are: "Close the window"
  • "On your way home, go to the store for groceries"
    The important words are: "Go to the store"
  • "Make your bed before school"
    The important words are: "Make your bed"
  • "Comb your hair before you leave for school"
    The important words are: "Comb your hair"
  • "Please tie your shoe"
    The important words are: "Tie your shoe"
  • "Read the menu before you order"
    The important words are: "Read the menu"
  • "Turn the lights off when you leave the room"
    The important words are: "turn the lights off"
  • "Ride the bus home after school"
    The important words are: "Ride the bus"
  • "Tomorrow morning, take out the trash"
    The important words are: "Take out the trash"
  • "Before you leave, put the juice away"
    The important words are: "put the juice away"
  • "You need to add some water"
    The important words are: "add some water"