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  • She goes to school every day…………………. …………………..?
    doesn't she?
  • Mr. Brown lives in Thailand,.................. ....................?
    doesn't he?
  • We watch a movie,............... .................?
    don't we?
  • He doesn't like shopping,.................... ................?
    does he?
  • Let's go to the beach,.............. ..................?
    shall we?
  • Stop laughing,............. .....................?
    will you?
  • Close the door,................ ...............?
    will you?
  • We are not football player, ............... ..............?
    are we?
  • Stand up,................. ...................?
    will you?
  • He wasn't sick yesterday,............... .................?
    was he?
  • He drank milk yesterday,............... ..................?
    didn't he?
  • Let's do homework,............ ..................?
    shall we?
  • He can play piano,............... ...............?
    can't he?
  • He were a teacher,................... ..................?
    weren't he?
  • I am a student,............. ................?
    aren't I?
  • Tony has got a new car, .............. .................?
    hasn't he?
  • Be quiet,............ .................?
    will you?
  • Luna will make a birthday cake,.............. ..................?
    won't she?
  • You aren't American,................ ..................?
    are you?
  • Mark went to England,............ ...............?
    didn't he?
  • Don't talk your friends,............ ................?
    will you?
  • Kevin runs everyday,................. .................?
    doesn't he?
  • I have never been there, .............. ...............?
    have I?
  • Stop smoking,.............. .......................?
    will you?
  • You sholud go to see a doctor,............... ...................?
    shouldn't you?
  • It isn't very cold,........... .................?
    is it?
  • I am not a doctor,.............. .................?
    am I?
  • I am Thai,............... ...............?
    aren't I?
  • She cooks spaghetti,................ ..............?
    doesn't she?
  • Let's tell the story,............... ....................?
    shall we?
  • She can't make pizza, ............. ................?
    can she?
  • They work at hospital,............... ..................?
    don't they?
  • You don’t study every day,................ ................?
    do you?
  • You must clean your room,................ ..................?
    musn't you?
  • They don't eat pizza,............. ................?
    do they?
  • Let's cross out the incorrect words,............. ...................?
    shall we?