
Pancake Day

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  • Apart from cooking pancakes, what else takes place in the UK on Shrove Tuesday?
    Many games and activities, such as pancake races.
  • Who is the winner of a pancake race?
    The person who completes the race first with the pancake still intact.
  • On average people consume _________ per person on Shrove Tuesday.
    one pancake
    two pancakes
    six pancakes
    three pancakes
  • True or False: The second side of a pancake takes half the amount of time to cook as the first.
    True! It's a good tip to remember!
  • Apart from chocolate and fruit, what is another popular pancake topping?
    Lemon and sugar
  • How big was the biggest pancake in the world?
    13 metres
    15 metres
    17 metres
    12 metres
  • When was the first pancake day?
  • The most pancake flips in a minute is...
  • What does the verb "shrive" mean?
    To confess
  • True or False: You can make pancakes with only three ingredients.
    True! All you need is flour, eggs and milk!
  • What does the winner in Olney receive?
    A kiss by the bell ringer.
  • True or False: The race in Olney is 375 metres long.
  • In the US, Pancake Day is commonly known as...
    'Mardi Gras’, which is French for ‘Fat Tuesday’
  • Who does the winner in Olney have to give their pancake to?
    The bell ringer.
  • Are British pancakes thin or thick?
  • Who can take part in the famous race in Olney?
    Housewives, wearing an apron.
  • What is another name for Pancake Day?
    Shrove Tuesday
  • In the UK, ___ million eggs are eaten on Pancake Day.
    52 million eggs, which is 22 million more than on any other day of the year!
  • When is Shrove Tuesday?
    It's 47 days before Easter, which is the last day before Lent begins.
  • The most pancake flips in two minutes is...
  • What is "abstinence"?
    A period of refraining (not doing) from something.
  • What was Shrove Tuesday in the old days?
    A day of confession.
  • What do racers have to do in pancake races?
    Run a short track flipping a pancake in a pan.
  • What did people traditionally eat on the last day before Lent?
    Whatever was left in their kitchen.