
As if / As though / As / The way / Like

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  • Tokyo is a busy and exciting city, _____ London is.
    As / The way
  • He works in a bank, _____ his father works
    As / The way
  • She felt _______ all her worries had gone.
    As if / As though / Like
  • It looks ________ you've not met before.
    As if / As though / Like
  • _______ me, Sarah is not flamboyant.
  • He speaks _______ a native speaker.
  • Imagine a grown woman acting ______ a child.
  • Ashley speaks ____ she's always right.
    As if / As though / Like
  • They felt ________ they had been given the wrong information.
    As if / As though / Like
  • He can’t play cricket _______ he used to.
    As / The way
  • I'd like to be popular _____ my sister is.
    As / The way
  • John loves spicy food, ______ I do
    As / The way
  • No one makes chocolate cake _______ my mother does.
    As / The way
  • I wish my car were fast ______ his car is.
    As / The way
  • Olivia can't drive ______ she drove when she was a teen.
    As / The way
  • It looks ________ they've had a shock.
    As if / As though / Like
  • Drake will never be a good singer _____ his mother
  • She looks ______ a supermodel.
  • They were shouting _________ in panic.
    As if / As though / Like
  • Joe is not happy ______ he was in the past
    As / The way
  • The floods were rising and it was ______ it was the end of the world.
    As if / As though / Like