
Ocean Life

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  • Do dolphins live in groups?
    Yes, they do
  • Answer: Do fish have arms?
    No, they don't
  • Make a sentence with: eat plants
  • Make a question with: octopus
    Do octopus ______?
  • Fill the blank: Dolphins ____________ plants
    don't eat
  • Talk about turtles
  • Name two animals which: eat plants
    turtles, crabs, fish
  • What animal is this?
    blue whale
  • Talk about seals
  • Answer: Do orcas have babies?
    Yes, they do
  • Make a sentence with: sharp teeth
  • Make a sentence with: have gills
  • Make a sentence with: breathe air
  • Make a negative sentence with: eat fish
  • Make a sentence with: have tentacles
  • Do sharks live in groups?
    No, they don't
  • What animal is this?
  • Make a sentence with: have arms
  • Talk about orcas
  • Talk about fish
  • What animal is this?
  • Make a sentence with: have babies
  • Make a negative sentence with: lay eggs
  • Name two animals which: have babies
    sharks, orcas, blue whale, seals, dolphins
  • Answer: Do humans have babies?
    yes, they do
  • Make a positive sentence with: eat fish
    (animal) eat fish
  • Fill the blank: Sharks ____________ air
  • Name two animals which: live alone
    sharks, octopuses, crabs
  • What animal is this?
  • Do seals eat fish?
    Yes, they do
  • Do dogs have 4 legs?
    Yes, they do
  • What animal is this?
  • Answer: Do jellyfish have sharp teeth?
    No, they don't
  • Talk about sharks
  • Name two animals which: lay eggs
    turtles, octopuses, fish, crabs, jellyfish
  • Do cats go to school?
    No, they don't
  • Talk about crabs
  • Talk about the blue whale
  • Make a negativesentence with: lay eggs
    (animal) don't lay eggs
  • What animal is this?
  • Put in order: turtles – Do – have babies?
    Do turtles have babies?
  • Make a negative sentence with: live in groups
  • Name two animals which: eat fish
    sharks, orcas, blue whale, seals, dolphins, turtles
  • Put in order: turtles – Do – have babies?
    Do turtles have babies?
  • What animal is this?
  • Make a sentence with: live alone
  • Make a question with: crab
    Do crabs ______?
  • What animal is this?
  • Name two animals which: live in groups
    fish, jellyfish, blue whale, dolphins, orcas
  • Make a sentence with: have sharp teeth