
Offers and Suggestions

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  • "I can't decide if I should order the cheeseburger or the chicken burger. I normally prefer chicken, but I think I would like a change."
    *Correct offer/suggestion*
  • "I'm really thirsty after that workout in the gym."
    *Correct offer/suggestion*
  • "My parents won't let me go to the party on Saturday night."
    *Correct offer/suggestion*
  • "My dog is always barking all day. Why won't he be quiet?"
    *Correct offer/suggestion*
  • "I can't decide which colour shoes to wear with my blue dress: black or white."
    *Correct offer/suggestion*
  • "I really want to buy the new Playstation 5, but it's so expensive!"
    *Correct offer/suggestion*
  • "I'm really bored."
    *Correct offer/suggestion*
  • "I can't concentrate on my homework. I'm too tired."
    *Correct offer/suggestion*
  • "Can you help me? I can't afford to get a taxi to the airport and my plane leaves in 2 hours."
    *Correct offer/suggestion*
  • "Lucas is ignoring my Whatsapp messages, but I don't know why."
    *Correct offer/suggestion*
  • "I need to learn Chinese because my company is transferring me to Shanghai."
    *Correct offer/suggestion*
  • "Nobody ever listens to my ideas during meetings at work."
    *Correct offer/suggestion*