
Citizenship 10

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  • NEW: How long is a term for a member of the House of Representatives?
    Two years
  • NEW: Why do US Representatives serve shorter terms than US senators?
    To more closely follow public opinion
  • Who is one of your state's US senators now?
    Charles Schumer/ Kristen Gillibrand
  • How many US senators are there?
    One hundred
  • How long is a term for a US senator?
    Six years
  • Name your US Representative.
    Brian Higgins
  • NEW: Why does each state have two senators?
    Equal Representation
  • Some states have more representatives than other states?
    Because some states have more people
  • NEW: Who does a US senator represent?
    Citizens of their state
  • NEW: How many senators does each state have?
  • How many voting members are in the House of Representatives?
  • What are the two parts of Congress?
    Senate and House of Representatives