
G/L 5B Review

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  • What does CHRON mean? Color or time?
  • If you are hyperactive you are....
    over active
  • If Theism means a belief in god, what is the difference between polytheism and monotheism?
    poly has many gods, mono has one
  • What would a MACROPOD be?
    Something with a large foot
  • Which would most people want, a mini-present or a mega-present?
    Probably mega-present
  • What does a thermometer do?
    measures temperature
  • Which does not mean BIG? macro - mini - mega - micro
    micro & mini
  • What does the root macro mean?
    long, large
  • What does the root equ mean?
    equal, same
  • Which will get you to your goal quicker? PROCEED or RECEDE
  • What's the likely meaning of HYPERTELE?
    Overly distant
  • Why is the equator called the equator?
    because it divides the globe into 2 equal hemispheres
  • What does the root pro mean?
  • What would HYPERSECT mean?
    over cut
  • A centimeter is a measurement equaling 1/___ of a meter
  • Define HYPODERMIC needle using the definition of both parts of the word.
    A needle that goes under the skin
  • meter
  • What would the meaning of CHROMCHRON be?
    coloring time
  • What does the root mega mean?
    big, large
  • What is the meaning of the root hypo?
    under, below
  • macro is to mega as poly is to _______
  • What does the root poly mean?
  • What would NOXCHRON mean?
    night time
  • What is a chronometer?
    A device for measuring time. A watch
  • "That guys brain is miniscule." How does that describe his brain?
  • What is the literal meaning of multimillionaire?
    To have many millions of dollars