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  • Playing video games (not good) exercising.
    Playing video games is not as good as exercising.
  • Reorder the sentence: They/ do/usually/didn't/play/as/well/they/as
    They didn’t play as well as they usually do.
  • These flowers (not nice) as the blue ones.
    The flowers aren't as nice as the blue ones.
  • Reading (not interesting) sports.
    Reading isn't as interesting as sports.
  • Reorder the sentence: This/old/big/isn't/one/as/the/one.
    This one isn't as big as the old one.
  • Using a comparative  to explain what this comparative means: Your daughter isn't as old as mine.
    My daughter is older than yours.
  • My chair (not comfortable) your chair.
    My chair isn't as comfortable as your chair.
  • Trading cards ________________ computer games. (popular)
    isn't as popular as
  • Using a comparative to explain what this comparative means:My German isn't as good as yours.
    My German is not better than yours.
  • Liverpool (not beautiful) London.
    Liverpool isn't as beautiful as London
  • Reorder the sentence: She’s/loudly/can/she/as/not/singing/as
    She’s not singing as loudly as she can.
  • Reorder the sentence: It’s/actually/thought/I/heavy/as/as/would/it/be/not
    It’s not as heavy as I thought it would be, actually.
  • Paris (not big) Tokyo
    Paris isn't as big as Tokyo
  • The library _________ the bar. (noisy)
    isn't as noisy as
  • These tomatoes (not good) the other ones.
    These tomatoes aren't as good as the other ones.
  • Helen ( not friendly) her husband.
    Helen is not as friendly as her husband.
  • Reorder the sentence. Jenny's/as/flat/isn't/old/as/the/one/new.
    Jenny's new flat isn't as nice as her old one.
  • Canada (not hot) Ecuador.
    Canada is not as hot as Ecuador.
  • People today (not nice) they were in the past.
    People today aren't as nice as they were in the past.
  • Using a comparative to explain what this comparative means:American food isn't as expensive as English food.
    English food is more expensive than American.
  • Movies (not interesting) books.
    Movies are not as interesting as books.
  • Running (not fast) biking.
    Running is not as fast as biking.
  • Reorder the sentence: He's/as/quite/as/Susie/confident/not
    He's not quite as confident as Susie.
  • Dogs (no good) cats.
    Dogs aren't as good as cats.