
Future Continuous or Future Perfect

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  • Tiago _____(live) in three different countries by the time he is 40.
    Tiago will have lived in three different countries by the time he is 40.
  • Lucas _______ (travel) the world by the time he is 50.
    Lucas will have travelled the world by the time he is 50.
  • Lucas _______ (study) at three o´clock tomorrow.
    Lucas will be studying at three o´clock tomorrow.
  • Tiago _____(spend) time with his girlfriend on Saturday night.
    Tiago will be spending time with his girlfriend on Saturday night.
  • Susana ______ (wake up) at seven o´clock tomorrow morning.
    Susana will be waking up at seven o´clock tomorrow morning.
  • Tiago ______ (sleep) by eleven o´clock tonight.
    Tiago will be sleeping by eleven o´clock tonight.
  • Lucas ____ (get married) within the next five years.
    Lucas will have got married within the next five years.
  • Tiago _________ (live) in a different place a year from now.
    Tiago will be living in a different place a year from now.
  • Susana _____ (make) something before the end of the week.
    Susana will have made something before the end of the week.
  • Susana _____ (make) a phone call by 9 o´clock tonight.
    Susan will have made a phone call by 9 o´clock tonight.