
Past Simple regular verbs practice

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  • I __________ (try) to speak Spanish.
    I tried to speak Spanish.
  • We __________ (visit) a lot of museums.
    We visited a lot of museums.
  • We __________ to the beach.
    We walked to the beach.
  • It _________ on our last day.
    It rained on our last day.
  • Clare _________ (pack) the suitcase.
    Clare packed the suitcase.
  • We __________ around Spain by bus.
    We travelled around Spain by bus.
  • We ____________ tennis.
    We played tennis.
  • We ___________ (stay) in an apartment.
    We stayed in an apartment.
  • We _________ DVDs in our hotel room.
    We watched DVDs in our hotel room.
  • Mark __________ (collect) stamps.
    Mark collected stamps.
  • Dad __________ (want) to go to the beach every day.
    Dad wanted to go to the beach every day.
  • Emma ___________ the car.
    Emma washed the car.
  • They __________ the film.
    They liked the film.
  • Mary __________ me yesterday.
    Mary phoned me yesterday.
  • We ___________ (visit) Granada.
    We visited Granada.