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  • Unscramble and answer the question: Would - you - Antarctica - to - to - move - to - breathe - able - be - air? - pure
    Would you move to Antarctica to be able to breathe pure air?
  • Unscramble and answer the question: What - that - pollution? - do - create - activities - do - you
    What activities do you do that create pollution?
  • Unscramble and answer the question: How - the - feel - do - when - you - air - is - polluted?
    How do you feel when the air is polluted?
  • Unscramble and answer the question: done - air? - What - damage - have - to - the - humans
    What damage have humans done to the air?
  • Unscramble and answer the question: the - is - How - air - clean - you - where - live?
    How clean is the air where you live?
  • Unscramble and answer the question: for - Would - air - ? - clean - pay - you
    Would you pay for clean air?
  • Unscramble and answer the question: clean - suggestion - would - What - air? - give - government - to - you - the - about
    What suggestion would you give to the government about clean air?
  • Unscramble and answer the question: our - be - from - 50 - What - years - in - like - will - air - now?
    What will our air be like 50 years from now?