
Flexible Thinking

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  • Ms. Terrill asked the students to put their chromebooks away and get ready to learn. That made Wyatt really angry! He decided to work on his chrome book anyway and then got in trouble. 
    Rock Brain
  • Wyatt really wanted to talk about monster trucks but his friend wanted to talk about his favorite movie. He thought to himself, "I can talk about monster truck later and asked his friend, what he like about the movie.".
    Flexible Thinking
  • Susie texted her dad and she didn't get a response back immediately so she kept texting him and texting him and then called him.
    Rock Brain
  • Wyatt wanted to play on the zipline at recess, but there were a bunch of kids already playing and not sharing. Instead of getting mad, Chris decided to go play tag instead.
    Flexible Thinking
  • Dylan couldn't wait to be the line leader, but then he teacher said someone else was going to be the leader for the day. Danny said, "OK" and though to himself, "maybe I can be the leader another day."
    Flexible Thinking
  • Wyatt was excited to play the Connect 4 with his sister. She picked the red pieces first. Charlie yelled, "That's not fair. You always get red!" and then left the room.
    Rock Brain
  • Dylan was riding his bike and his friend asked for a turn. He wasn't ready to get off but he decided he would share and let him have a turn.
    Flexible thinking
  • Kevin wanted to play with a toy in class. His teacher told him to put it away. He continued to play with it. She asked again and he stood up and stomped putting the item away. He then explained how unfair it was that he play with it.
    Rock Brain
  • Kevin was busy playing a video game when is mom asked him to finish his homework. He really didn't want to but took a deep breath and said "OK, mom."
    Flexible Thinking
  • Jared text his brother. He didn't hear back from him right away, but he let it go and patiently waited because his brother must be busy.
    Flexible Thinking
  • Dylan really wanted to play with Legos but his friend wanted to build a fort. They decided to make a Lego fort.
    Flexible Thinking
  • Kevin really wanted to have a cheeseburger and fries for dinner but instead they were having meatloaf. Allen took 3 breaths and thought, "I can have a cheeseburger another time."
    Rock Brain
  • Wyatt really didn't want to leave PE to talk to his teacher. He became very upset and told her how mad he was and that he wouldn't leave.
    Rock Brain
  • Kevin did not want to do writing today. He yelled and said, "I AM NOT DOING IT!"
    Rock Brain
  • How would someone feel when you demonstrated flexible thinking and why?
    Happy -- You made and expected choice.
  • Kevin didn't want to do his math homework. Instead he slammed his book down and started tapping his pencil. He continued to tap his pencil even after he was asked to stop.
    Rock Brain
  • Give one example what you can do during a time of rock brain.
    1) Take a deep breath 2) Self Talk 3) Look at the situation in a different way
  • Kevin was so excited about riding his dirt bike after school at a competition. When he got there, the competition was over. He was told the wrong day. He was so angry and said his day was ruined and complained about it every day.
    Rock Brain
  • It was time for math and the teacher said it was time to work with partners. Wyatt really didn't want to work with his partner, but instead he worked with them anyway.
    Flexible Thinking
  • Dylan couldn't wait for the weekend to hang out with one of his friends. His mom said there was a change in plans and he couldn't come over. Dylan felt SO mad. He yelled and said this isn't fair!
    Rock Brain