
English Club - Daily routines

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  • I - rarely - the - laundry - do
    I rarerly do the laundry.
  • I sometimes .................
    Iron the clothes
  • I always ......... after eating
    Do the dishes
  • I - do - dishes - the - sometimes
    I sometimes do the dishes
  • I always ........... everyday
    water the plants
  • I - shopping - go - sometimes - my mom - with
    I sometimes go shopping with my mom
  • I usually ................. on Sunday
    do the laundry
  • I sometimes help my father to ...............
    Wash the car
  • I always ........... everyday
    sweep the floor
  • We sometimes ............. together
    clean the window
  • I never .............
    take out the rubbish
  • I usually .................... once a month
    Go Shopping
  • never - I - wash - car - the
    I never wash the car
  • I - iron - clothes - the - often
    I often iron the clothes
  • I always ......... everyday.
    make the bed