
What does it mean?

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  • "Put words in someone's mouth"
    "Colocar palavras na boca de alguém"
  • "Rise and shine!"
    "Acorda pra cuspir!"
  • "An atmosphere that you could cut with a knife"
    "Uma atmosfera tensa"
  • "Let the cat out of the bag"
    To reveal a secret
  • "Building castles in the sky"
    "Fazer castelos no ar" - To make plans that have little to no chance of happening.
  • "Jack of all trades and master of none"
    "Faz de tudo um pouco, mas nada direito"
  • "The cherry on the cake"
    "A cereja do bolo"
  • "Better safe than sorry"
    "Melhor prevenir do que remediar"
  • "Put on the Ritz"
    Make a show of extravagance and luxury
  • "The salt of the world"
    "O sal da terra" - a person or group of people of great kindness, reliability, or honesty.
  • "Dig your own grave"
    "Cavar sua própria cova"
  • "A sandwich short of a picnic"
    "Com um parafuso a menos"
  • "As American as an apple pie"
    Typically American
  • "Play the devil's advocate"
    "Bancar o advogado do diabo" - a person who advocates an opposing or unpopular view, often for the sake of argument
  • "Give it a rest"
    "Dar um tempo"