
Places you can travel to on your school campus

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  • If you change for PE, where do you go??
    Locker room (or bathroom:)
  • Where does your teacher go to eat lunch or take a break?
    Staff Lounge
  • Where do you go to work on your technology skills (computer skills)
    Computer Lab
  • Where do you go to have your Indoor PE class?
    The Gym
  • What is your favorite place on your school campus??
    Free points!!!
  • what is the quietest room in the school, you find lots of books there?
  • Where do you go if you hurt yourself or feel sick?
    Health office/Nurse
  • Where do you go to sing or play an instrument?
    Music room
  • Where are you dropped off at the very beginning of your day.. and you go there at the very end of your day??
    School bus area
  • Where do you go if you are hungry?
    Cafeteria or Lunch benches
  • What is the place called where you enter /exit the school, near the office?
    Main Entrance!!
  • Where do you go to talk to someone who is a good listener or for help? Or to choose classes.
    Guidance Office or Counselor's Office
  • Where do we go for a school assembly or to listen to a fun show?
  • Where do you go to see the Principal?
    Main office
  • Where do you go to empty your bladder:) and wash your hands
    Bathroom, Rest room, Lavatory!!
  • Where do you go to be outside and have fun
    Play Yard, recess, field,