
C1 Empower unit 9

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  • She's becoming less and less mobile these days. Maybe it's about time she moved into a ___________.
  • He wanted to impress his new wife, so he insisted on booking the _________ suite in the hotel.
  • One of the problems with overcrowding in cities is the wear and tear caused to our public ________.
  • I know the estate agent described it as a ___________ apartment, but it's more like a bedsit. It's tiny!
  • Why did they put that children's playground in the middle of the financial district? It looks so _____ ___ ______.
    out of place
  • I think most people seem to resent the __________ and bullying nature of the new boss.
  • This may seem ______ _______, but I think if we let him just do what he likes, he might just be a bit more responsible.
  • It was feared that, with the easing of the restrictions, it would just be a _____ ___ ____.
  • The council intends to __________ the whole area, in the hope of boosting the economy there.
  • His style of writing seems so _______ now. He really should update his vocabulary.
  • The old community centre has been completely _________ and now offers a range of social activities for young people in the area.
  • That new sculpture is an absolute _________ on the _________. I've never seen one so ugly!
    blot / landscape
  • Over the years, she has accumulated so much _________. She just refuses to throw anything away!
  • The local doctors are fed up of the sight of him - they're convinced he's just a ____________.
  • The police are attempting to _______ control of the city as the riots seem to be subsiding.
  • There was a ____ of thunder and then a _____ of lightning as he ran through the deserted streets...
    clap / flash
  • The film was criticised for being ___________, as you can see one of the WW1 soldiers wearing a digital watch.
  • The excessive use of CCTV is seen by many to be an __________ of privacy.
  • I know he's spent a lot of money on it, but it's so _________. He has no sense of style!
  • The atmosphere in these meetings is always improved when she comes in. She's such a ______ of _____ air.
    breath / fresh