
Moral Science

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  • What will you do when your friend is injured while playing?
    Help them
  • Talking behind your friend's back is an example of integrity. True or False
  • Which word is appropriate to describe this image?
    Eat hygienic food
  • Students should not only be clever but also neatly dressed and well behaved. True or False
  • Gossiping is an example of integrity? True and False
  • What is integrity?
    integrity is the practice of being honest
  • Which phrase is appropriate to describe this image?
    Raise your hand before talking
  • What is the example of intergrity?
    keep your promises or Do not gossip.
  • What virtue should we use if we want to conquer our fears?
    brave or courage
  • Which word is appropriate to describe this image?
    Being patience
  • You should over promise because it is good. True or False
  • What do we do when we talk to someone?
    Listen carefully.
  • What is the best thing to do after receiving help from other people?
  • What is not the benefit of having integrity?
    Integrity brings concise life
  • Which phrase is appropriate to describe this image?
    Being honest
  • Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people. True or False
  • What does “be punctual” mean?
    be on time
  • Keeping money you found on the floor is an example of integrity. True of False
  • Which phrase is appropriate to describe this image?
    Always turn on the camera
  • What is an example of having integrity?
    Keep your promises even if it takes extra effort.
  • One of the good habits used during online or offline learning is ....
    show respect to your teacher and friends
  • We should be attentive when we talk to our mother only. True or False
  • Integrity is what we do, what we say, and what we say we do. True or False
  • What are ways to show you are respectful to people?
    Respond in an appropriate manner to everyone.
  • Those who want to be successful in life must not do things on time. True or False