
Elements of Fiction

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  • In this element of plot the author introduces the characters and setting...
  • Susan is treated as an outsider by the students and peers at her new high school. What type of conflict is this?
    Character vs. society
  • The main character of the story is the
  • This is a struggle between two or more opposing forces.
  • John is a doctor working against the clock to find a cure for a disease that is threatening the human race. Despite all odds, he meets the challenge. John is the protagonist or antagonist?
  • Characters who shows varied traits; readers know a lot about them
    Round characters
  • Where does the main character come face to face with a conflict? This is the turning point of the story.
  • Which part of the plot creates tension and suspense?
    Rising action
  • The sequence of events in a story is the
  • This character provides the conflict in a story
  • What type of conflict is best shown here?
    Character vs. character
  • What type of conflict is best shown here?
    Internal conflict
  • The person who tells a story is the
  • A dynamic character does not change internally or externally from the beginning to the end of the story. True or false?
  • Characters who readers know very little about; they reveal very few character traits
    Flat characters
  • After crash landing a plane, Brian, a city-boy, must survive in the Canadian wilderness with nothing but his hatchet. What type of conflict is this?
    Character vs. nature
  • This character used to be the "bad guy" but learned the error of his ways and now tries to help others, what kind of character is he--static or dynamic?
  • A character who changes over the course of the story is a
    Dynamic character
  • True or False? A dynamic character is a character that changes throughout the story.
  • The message the author wants to get across is the
  • Tornado victims are having to survive the harsh conditions of the natural disaster. Is this internal or external conflict?
    External conflict
  • This is the story's time and place
  • A character who stays the same over the course of a story is a
    Static character
  • This type of character causes a problem or is the problem in the novel.
  • A well-developed character who demonstrates varied and sometimes contradictory traits
    Round character
  • The animals or people portrayed in a literary work are called