
Reading and Use of English Part 4 (Game 2)

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  • Olivia finds watching TV more boring than reading. (not) For Olivia, watching TV is __________ reading.
    not as interesting as
  • The party was so successful that most people didn´t want to go home. (such) The party was _________ that most people didn´t want to go home.
    such a success
  • The concert which Ben took me to wasn´t very enjoyable. (went) I didn´t enjoy _____ to with Ben.
    the concert (that) I went
  • Sailing is more expensive than biking. (not) Sailing is _______ biking.
    not as cheap as
  • No one in the class works harder than Peter. (hard-working) Peter __________ person in the class.
    is the most hard-working
  • There weren´t enough eggs to make pancakes for breakfast. (few) There ________ eggs to make pancakes for breakfast.
    were too few
  • Maria´s brothers are better tennis players than her. (so) Maria doesn´t _________ her brothers .
    play tennis so well as
  • “Are we meeting David in the morning or the afternoon?” Karen asked. (whether) Karen wondered __________ in the morning or the afternoon.
    whether –they/we- were meeting David
  • The little boy said he could dress himself without any help. (I) The little boy said: “_______“ without any help.
    I can dress myself
  • The court convicted Charles of stealing the diamonds. (found) Charles _________ of stealing the diamonds.
    was found guilty
  • I am sorry that I did not go to the cinema with Mark. (wish) I _________ to the cinema with Mark.
    wish I had gone
  • It took Janice longer to finish the game than Sarah. (more) Sarah finished the game ______ Janice.
    more quickly than
  • They missed the appointment because the train was late. (result) As a __________ late, they missed the appointment.
    result of the train being
  • The mother of that boy is a well-known actress. (whose) That´s the boy _________ a well-known actress.
    whose mother is
  • My brother really wishes he could sing well. (able) My brother regrets not ______ well.
    being able to sing
  • Last week Jerry borrowed a book from me and now he has lost it. (I) Jerry lost the book ____ last week .
    (that) I lent to him