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  • Who / rich / woman / on earth?
    Who is the richest woman on earth?
  • Lily´s room / not / big / as / Jake´s room.
    Lily´s room isn´t as big as Jake´s room.
  • The buses in London / not / clean / as / Dad´s taxi.
    The buses in London aren´t as clean as Dad´s taxi.
  • This flower / beautiful / than / that one.
    This flower is more beautiful than that one.
  • Which / dangerous / animal in the world?
    Which is the most dangerous animal in the world?
  • Our school / not / famous / as / the Tower.
    Our school isn´t as famous as the Tower.
  • London / not / expensive / city in the world.
    London is not the most expensive city in the world.
  • The cows on the farm / loud / than / the sheep.(Past Simple)
    The cows on the farm were louder than the sheep.
  • Susan / much / nice / than / her sister.
    Susan is much nicer than her sister.
  • My house / big / than / yours.
    My house is bigger than yours.
  • He / clever / thief / of all. (Past Simple)
    He was the cleverest thief of all. / He was the most clever thief of all.
  • It is strange but often a coke / expensive / than / a beer.
    It is strange but often a coke is more expensive than a beer.
  • This / awful / pizza / in London!
    This is the most awful pizza in London!
  • The weather this summer / even / bad / than / last summer.
    The weather this summer is even worse than last summer.
  • The people in London / polite / in the country.
    The people in London are the most polite in the country.
  • This / interesting / book / I have ever read.
    This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
  • The DLR / fast / than / the bus.
    The DLR is faster than the bus.
  • A holiday by the sea / good / than / a holiday in the mountains.
    A holiday by the sea is better than a holiday in the mountains.
  • Ben had three hamburgers./ He / hungry / boy / in the class. (Past Simple)
    Ben had three hamburgers. He was the hungriest boy in the class.
  • Lily´s present from Lucy / special / present. (Past Simple)
    Lily´s present from Lucy was the most special present.