
The economic sectors

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  • The growing of trees to obtain plant products is called...
  • The products that are sold directly to consumers are...
    consumer products.
  • Wheat, olives and grapes are examples of...
    dry farming.
  • Mining is the extraction of... and ... from the ground.
    rocks and minerals.
  • What are the four activities in the Primary sector?
    Agriculture, fishing, mining and forestry.
  • Tomatoes, beans and melons are examples of..
    irrigated farming.
  • Coastal fishing is fishing...
    near the coast.
  • In... , farmers raise their livestock in stables.
    intensive farming
  • What are the three economic sectors?
    Primary sector, Secondary sector and Tertiary sector.
  • Say two examples of the most important secondary sector industries in Spain.
    Food, motor, chemical and telecommunications industries.
  • In dry farming,crops get water only from...
    the rain.
  • In... farmers raise their livestock in large fields and open pastures.
    extensive farming.
  • In the secondary sector, intermediate products are used to...
    make other products.
  • ... fishing is fishing far from the coast.
  • The Secondary sector transforms raw materials into...
    manufactured products.
  • The Primary sector provides...
    raw materials
  • The two types of arable farming are...
    dry farming and irrigated farming.
  • Livestock farming is divided into...
    intensive farming and extensive farming.
  • Agriculture is divided into...
    arable farming and livestock farming.