
Present Simple vs Present Continuous

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  • 'I (know) the answer'!
    I know the answer!
  • She (not teach) at the moment
    is not (isn't) teaching
  • Amber (not eat) meat
    Amber DOES NOT EAT meat
  • You (not bake) the cake now
    Why aren't baking the cake now
  • הם רואים טלוויזיה עכשיו?
    Are they watching television now?
  • I (not like) you anymore
    I don't like you anymore!
  • 'Hey! Why (make) so much noise'?
    Hey! Why are you making so much noise?
  • Eva (eat) toast this morning
    Eva is eating toast this morning
  • אנחנו בדרך כלל לא משחקים את המשחק הזה
    we don't usually play this game
    We not usually play this game
    we are not usually playing this game
    we is not usually play this game
  • He (not sing) in the shower
    He doesn't sing in the shower
  • She (not eat) now
    She IS NOT (isn't) eating now
  • What time (be) dinner tonight?
    What time is dinner tonight?
  • Danielle (not go) to bed at 20:00 every night
    Danielle doesn't go to bed at 20:00 every night
  • I (love) you so much right now
    I LOVE you so much right now
  • Ben (play) 'Among Us' every day
  • We (not want) to go to school today
    We don't want to go to school today
  • Where you (go) every morning?
    Where do you go every morning?
  • She usually (teach) English in the afternoon
  • It (not rain) today
    It IS NOT (isn't) raining today
  • Mother always (buy) milk early in the morning
  • It is 10:00p.m. Eva (go) to bed
    It is 10:00p.m. Eva is going to bed.
  • It is afternoon. He (watch) T.V now
  • Yuval (drink) cola every Saturday
    Yuval DRINKS cola every Saturday
  • Eyal often (eat) cornflakes for breakfast
    Eyal often eats cornflakes for breakfast
  • Who (you like) the most?
    Who DO YOU LIKE the most?
  • I (feel) great right now!
    I feel great right now!
  • Why (you go) to school every day?
    Why DO YOU GO to school every day?
  • It is 7a.m. I (buy) bread right now
    I AM BUYING bread
  • What Ben (do) right now?
    What is ben doing right now?
  • The baby (feel) sick today
    The baby FEELS sick today
  • Where (you play) basketball later?
    Where ARE YOU PLAYING basketball later?
  • Gilad usually (watch) TV in the afternoon
  • He (not understand) this question
    He does not (doesn't) understand this question