
Family Quiz 2

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  • What is the most viewed video on YouTube?
    Baby Shark
  • What river separates Buda and Pest?
  • What is the name of the tip of a shoe lace?
  • Solstices are when Day/Night are at their annual longest. What is term for the day when the length of day and night are equal?
  • What does the acronym "O.K." stand for?
    All correct
  • Who was the first Emperor of Rome?
    Augustus / Octavian
  • What is the name of the early 2000s South African actor who starred in "Oh Schuks... I'm Gatvol"?
    Leon Schuster
  • What was the first video to hit 1 Billion view on YouTube?
    Gangnam Style
  • What currency is used in Vietnam?
    Vietnamese đồng
  • Why is "Ledd Zeppelin" spelled the way it is?
    So people wouldn't confuse the pronunciation.
  • What is ostrich in Afrikaans?
  • What is the name of the popular horror themed choose-your-own-adventure children books?
  • After winning 9 out of his first 10 French opens, who became known as the "King of clay"?
    Rafael Nadal
  • What is the name for the rider in horse racing?
  • What was the surname of the high school prinicipal at Sacred Heart?
  • What is the compliment to Oriental?
  • What is the stage name of the prankster radio presenter who co-hosted the 94.7s breakfast show?
    Whackhead Simpson
  • Who founded the Marist Brothers?
    Marcellin Champagnat
  • What is the J in Donald J Trump?
  • What high school did Elon Musk graduate?
    Pretoria Boys
  • What does ATM stand for?
    automated teller machine
  • How many episodes of Mr. Bean are there? 14/46/98
  • Name all the member countries of BRICS.
    Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
  • Space is to spacial as time is to _______.