
Simple past - was/wasn't were/weren't

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  • She _____ at the playground. She was on the beach.
    She wasn't at the playground. She was on the beach.
  • Jim and Ayden _____ sad. They were very happy.
    Jim and Ayden weren't sad. They were very happy.
  • The flowers _____ red, they _____ yellow.
    The flowers were red, they weren't yellow.
  • She _____ very good at Math last year.
    She was very good at Math last year.
  • Aunt Jenny _____ a nurse, she _____ a teacher.
    Aunt Jenny was a nurse, she wasn't a teacher.
  • The children _____ thirsty so they ordered juice.
    The children were thirsty so they ordered juice.
  • Paul _____ late for school, he _____ early.
    Paul was late for school, he wasn't early.
  • My brother _____ thirsty, he _____ hungry.
    My brother wasn't thirsty, he was hungry.
  • They _____ at the party. They stayed at home.
    They weren't at the party. They stayed at home.
  • Jim _____ born in France. He was born in England.
    Jim wasn't born in France. He was born in England.
  • It _____ on the table. It wasn't in the shelf.
    It was on the table. It wasn't in the shelf.
  • My sister and I _____ in Spain last month.
    My sister and I were in Spain last month.
  • The cat _____ in the tree, it _____ in the pool.
    The cat was in the tree, it wasn't in the pool.
  • You _____ at school, you _____ at the park.
    You weren't at school, you were at the park.
  • The boys _____ playing, they _____ fighting.
    The boys weren't playing, they were fighting.
  • Its ears _____ big, they _____ small.
    Its ears were big, they weren't small.
  • He _____ a doctor. He wasn't a nurse.
    He was a doctor. He wasn't a nurse.
  • They _____ happy, they _____ sad.
    They were happy, they weren't sad.
  • Jane _____ at work, she was sick.
    Jane wasn't at work, she was sick.
  • Mom _____ busy, she _____ resting.
    Mom was busy, she wasn't resting.