
Annie and the Wild Animals

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  • What couldn't the girl keep the bear for a pet?
    He was too grumpy.
  • What were the last animals to come for the food?
    A stag, his family and a gray wolf.
  • After she couldn't find her cat anywhere, the girl said that she needed a new.....
  • The girl woke up one morning and what animal was sticking his nose in her window?
    The moose
  • Why couldn't the girl make anymore corn cakes?
    She was out of corn meal.
  • Why couldn't the girl tame the wildcat?
    He was too mean.
  • At the end of the book, the girl knew she would never be what anymore?
  • What season is it in the beginning of the book?
  • Why were all of the animals roaring at the girl and shaking her house?
    They were still hungry.
  • What is the girl's cat's name in the book?
  • Who came out of the woods after the girl's cat?
    3 soft, friendly kittens.
  • The girl was worried about her cat- name one thing her cat was doing....
    had stopped playing, ate more than usual, slept all day long, curled up in strange places
  • Towards the end of the book, who walks proudly into the yard from the woods?
  • Why couldn't the girl tame the moose?
    He was too big.
  • What kind of animal did the girl imagine would come to eat the food she left?
    a small furry animal
  • What was the third animal that came to the food?
    a big, growling bear
  • What did the girl place at the edge of the woods for an animal to eat?
    a corn cake
  • What is the girl's name in the book?
  • If an animal came, what did the girl want to do with it?
    Tame it for a pet.
  • Towards the end of the book, what season has finally come?
  • How did the girl feel when she couldn't find her cat?
  • What was the first animal that came to the food?
    a giant moose
  • What was the second animal that came for the food?
    a snarling wildcat