
Let's Cook

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  • What do you like?
    I like soup.
  • Clap your hand 10 times fast.
  • What do you like?
    I like apple pie.
  • What do you like?
    I like pizza
  • What do you need to make salad?
    I need some carrots.
  • What was the main idea about our story today?
  • Find something YELLOW and show it to teacher
  • What do you need to make potato soup?
    I need some potatoes.
  • What do you like?
    I like pasta.
  • What is your favorite food.
    My favorite food is _________,
  • Jump up and down 5 times fast
  • What do you need to make pasta?
    I need some tomatoes.
  • Find something ROUND and show it to teacher
  • What do you like?
    I like salad.
  • Find something RED and show it to teacher
  • What do you need to make apple pie?
    I need some apples.
  • What do you need to make pizza?
    I need some onions.