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  • WHEN is it a good time to introduce yourself to someone new?
  • Name 3 steps you can take when you want to join a conversation
  • A new classmate named Jacob joins your class. He doesn't know anybody and some of the kids in the class start to laugh at him. Show me how you could be a good friend to Jacob
  • How is she feeling?
  • Colin saw a classmate trying to climb down from the jungle gym on the playground and could tell he looked scared. Colin called for a teacher to help and said, "Don't worry, we can help you down." How was Colin a GOOD friend in this story?
  • Dylan is a new student at school. David and his two friends walk by him in the hall and his friends trip Dylan, who falls over. David's friends laugh and David stands there silently. He then walks away. How was David a BAD friend?
  • At recess you see your classmate Michael sitting on a bench by himself. Show me how you could be a good friend to Michael
  • Kara was setting up her table for the Science Fair when she looked across the room and saw two kids knock over her classmate's project. Kara ran over to her peer and began helping her clean up. How was Kara a GOOD friend in this story?
  • How is he feeling?
  • Josh saw his classmate Nathan trip over a rock on the playground and could see that Nathan hurt his knee. Josh's friends called to him to play soccer, so Josh turned away from Nathan and went to play. How was Josh a BAD friend in this story
  • How is he feeling?
  • How is she feeling?
  • Name 3 BAD qualities in a friend
  • How is she feeling?
  • How is he feeling?
  • Adam trips in the hallway and he drops all of his school books. Show me how you could be a good friend to Adam
  • How is she feeling?
  • Name 3 GOOD qualities in a friend
  • Jordan was having a hard time fixing his volcano project for his class presentation. His classmate Danielle saw he was upset and came over to help him finish it. How was Danielle a GOOD friend in this story?