
[Complete IELTS 5.0 - 6.5] Unit 2 - It's Good fo ...

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  • Can you name some common dietary supplements?
    Vitamins, fish oil, herbs, minerals, etc.
  • What is this called?
    sack (n)
  • If you are TOO cautious, you are _____.
    overcautious (adj) = overly cautious
  • What does "germ" mean in Vietnamese?
    vi khuẩn, vi trùng, mầm bệnh
  • "O _ _ _ _ _ _" means something produced without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents.
    organic (adj)
  • What's the synonym of "characteristic" starting with a T and having 5 letters?
    trait (n)
  • Could you name 3 personal hygiene habits of yours?
  • "I can't buy that house." Rewrite the sentence using "afford".
    I can't afford that house./I can't afford to buy that house.
  • "I'm starving. Let's grab a bite." What does "grab a bite" mean?
    to find something to eat
  • "She does exercises daily to build up her strength." What does the phrasal verb "build up" mean?
    to increase
  • An _____ is a type of substance used against bacteria.
  • What is this called? It's solid waste from animals (esp. horses) spread on the land in order to make plants grow well.
    manure (n)
  • "In the bottling process, unpleasant chemicals may <leach into> the water from the plastic bottles." What does "leach into" in this sentence mean?
    to enter
  • Make a sentence using "precise".
  • The underground water is _____. The local authority is trying to find the _____ in the water to identify the cause of this water _____. (contaminate)
    contaminated (adj) - contaminant(s) (n) - contamination (n)
  • "C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" means to pay someone money for something that has been lost or damaged, and said amount of money is "c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _".
    compensate (v) - compensation (n)
  • "Cooking a healthy meal takes longer, which is often why people live on sandwiches and fast food instead." What does the phrasal verb "live on" mean?
    to only eat a particular type of food
  • "_ _ _ yourself into a hole" means getting yourself into a difficult situation.
    dig (v) → dig - dug - dug
  • "L _ _ _ _ _ _ _" is an adverb meaning "in the same way".
    likewise (adv)
  • "The grasses need light to photosynthesize." What does "photosynthesize" mean?
    (of a plant) to use energy from the light of the sun to create food substances that it needs:
  • What does "saliva" mean?
    It means "spit".
  • What is "membrane"?
    a thin, soft layer of tissue that covers organs or connects parts of living things, or the outer covering of a cell
  • "We need to follow the safety and health regulations." What is a synonym of the word "regulation"?
    rule, law, etc.
  • "Most classical music are too <abstruse>, I am unable to understand." What does "abstruse" mean?
    difficult to understand; obscure
  • "Well-_____" is an adjective, meaning very tidy and well cared for.
    well-manicured (adj) → manicure (n, v): a treatment for the hands that involves making the skin feel softer and making the nails look better
  • An _____ is a substance added to something in small quantities to improve or preserve it, e.g.: food _____.
    additive (n) - additives (n)
  • "S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" means making something complicated seem simple by ignoring important parts of it.
    simplistic (adj)
  • What is "circumference"?
    the distance around something
  • Nutrients refer to specific substances, e.g.: vitamins; whereas n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ refers to the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth or the study of nutrients. Its adjective form is n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
    nutrition (n) - nutritious (adj)
  • "The refrigerator air purifier reduces food spoilage and waste." What does "spoilage" mean?
    the action of spoiling, especially the deterioration of food and perishable goods
  • "INDEED, even some 'organic' farms are quite different from one another." The word "indeed" means...?
    really or certainly, often used to emphasize something
  • Make a sentence using "for a while".
  • If a liquid _____, it turns into crystals. (crystal)
    crystallizes (v)
  • If you think about S.T./S.B. all the time, it means that those things/people _____ you. In other words, you _____ about them, or you're _____ with them, or you have an _____ with them.
    obsess (v) - obsess (v) - obsessed (adj) - obsession (n)
  • What's a phrase that describes "to do something impulsively without thinking about the consequences"?
    dive in headfirst
  • "All in all, it's been a bad year." What does "all in all" mean?
    everything considered; on the whole
  • Make a sentence using "a range of".
  • What does "pointy" mean?
    having a pointed tip or end
  • Make 2 sentences using "risk" and "risky".