
1984 Chapters 1-7 Revision quiz

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  • What was a Speakwrite?
    A machine they used for messages.
  • Did Winston have any children?
  • What was Hate Week?
  • What is Utopia?
  • What was the Ministry of Truth?
    The Ministry of Truth was the department that changed the news.
  • What is Dystopia?
  • What happened to someone who was VAPORIZED?
  • What was doublethink?
  • Name the main characters from 1984:
    Winston, Julia, O' Brien, Big Brother, Emmanuel Goldstein.
  • What was an Unperson?
    A nobody, someone no one remembered.
  • What color were the overalls people used in Oceania?
  • What happened to Winston's parents?
    They were vaporized.
  • What were telescreens?
  • What was Newspeak?
    A new language from Oceania.
  • What was Winston's wife name?
  • What was ownlife?