
On The Phone

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  • A : Can I speak with your dad ? B : I’m sorry but he isn’t ................ at the moment .Please call later .
    A)busy B)engaged C)available
  • When we are at the cinema, we should ……………. our mobile phones.
    A)get off B)switch on C)switch off
  • John: May I speak to Mr. Smith please? Secr: Please hold on. .............. .
    A)This is Ali B) He isn't busy now C) I will put you through
  • Mr Poland is not available__________. Would you like to leave a message?
    A) loudly B)around C)at the moment
  • Benny :You are_________too much time in front of the TV.Why don't you start studying for your exams?
    A)passing B)falling C)spending
  • Mum :The phone is ringing ,honey Can you please ............ the phone ?My hands are dirty .
    A)contact B)pick up C)follow
  • Welcome to customer service.For English please ...... number 9.
    A)dial B) communicate C) hang on
  • Would you like to ............... a message for Mr. Bean?
    A) talk B) leave C) call
  • Can you show me how to use the ..............?
    A)cell phone B) smart phone C)pay phone
  • This girl is communicating with .............
    A) foreign language B) girl languageC) sign language
  • Could you ask him to_________me? My number is 0 585123 56 89.
    A) contact B) repeat C) hang on
  • I can't hear you well. I think it is a ........ .
    A) good phone B)bad line C) bad phone
  • MIKE: How do you communicate with your friends? LUCY: I prefer ....
    A) writing letters B)face to face C)sending text messages
  • Cathy :I think my mobile phone is broken. Can I________yours to call my mom? Sonny : Sure. Here it is.
    A)borrow B)lend C)transmit
  • A: May I talk to Mr. Persie? B: Please don’t - - - - - - - - the phone, I will get him.
    A) call B) pick up C) hang up
  • A: Can I speak to your brother? B: .................... a minute, please. I’ll get him.
    A) Hold on B) hang up C) pick up
  • A:T urn down the volume,please. __________ . I can't hear what my friend says. B: ok mum sorry.
    A) I'm writing a letter B)I'm on the phone C)I'm watching TV.
  • I can’t hear you, it is a bad line. Can you ________________ your last word?
    A)repeat B)respect C) contact
  • I'm very busy now. I'll ........... you .......... in a few minutes.
    A)call back B) hang up C) switch on
  • I can't talk on the phone. We need to speak .....
    A) face to face B)video call C)smoke signal
  • Teenagers usually use their PCs, tablets or smartphones to .......with their friends.
    A) keep in touch B) leave a message C) hang on a minute