
Animal and Plant Classification

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  • Name at least 3 characteristics of a fish.
    vertebrates; cold-blooded; lives in the water; absorbs oxygen from the water with gills; lays eggs; have fins and tails;most have scales
  • Name at least 3 ways to classify a mammal.
    vertebrates; warm-blooded; has hair or fur; breathes air with lungs; most are born alive; mothers produce milk for its young;
  • Look at both organisms. Name the 3 main ways to classify BOTH animals.
    The cobra is a vertebrate and a reptile, and the mongoose is a vertebrate and a mammal. (The mongoose wins, by the way.)
  • How do these plants reproduce (make new plants)?
  • What is unique about deciduous trees?
    They lose their leaves in the fall and go dormant.
  • Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
    vertebrate and amphibian
  • A fern is a vascular plant that has __________ to reproduce instead of ___________.
    A fern is a vascular plant that has SPORES to reproduce instead of SEEDS.
  • Name at least 3 characteristics of a reptile.
    vertebrates; cold-blooded; breathes air with lungs; dry, scaly skin; can lay soft-shell eggs or live young
  • Vascular or nonvascular?
  • Vascular or nonvascular?
  • Look at the diagram below. How should this plant be classified?
    Accept one of the following: vascular, flowering, seed producing
  • Plants that do NOT have true roots, stems and leaves are called----
    nonvascular plants
  • Vascular or nonvascular?
  • What is the main difference in the leaves of a flowering (deciduous) plant and a coniferous (evergreen) plant?
    A deciduous plant has flat, broad leaves and a coniferous plant has needle-like leaves.
  • Vascular plants have 3 main parts: ________, _________, and ________.
    roots, stems, leaves
  • What am I? I have bones, slimy skin, can live in the water or on land, and I need to lie in the sun to warm up my body temperature.
    I am an amphibian.
  • Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
    vertebrate and bird
  • Nonvascular plants reproduce (make new plants) from---
  • All plants make their own food through a process called---
  • What is the main difference between vertebrates and invertebrates?
    Vertebrates have backbones and invertebrates don't.
  • What are the characteristics of coniferous plants? (name 2)
    stay green all year (evergreen); have needle-like leaves; seeds are in cones
  • Look at the image. Name the main way to classify this animal.
  • Vascular or nonvascular?
  • Look at the image. Name the main way to classify this animal.
    invertebrate (insect)
  • Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
    vertebrate and bird
  • Name at least 3 ways to classify a bird.
    vertebrates; warm-blooded; breathes air with lungs; lays hard-shell eggs; have wings and most can fly; have beaks instead of teeth; have 2 feet
  • Why do nonvascular plants grow close to the ground?
    to absorb water
  • Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
    vertebrate and mammal
  • Vascular or nonvascular?
  • Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
    vertebrate and mammal
  • Vascular plants reproduce (make new plants) from _______ or _______.
    seeds, spores
  • Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
    vertebrate and amphibian
  • Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
    vertebrate and mammal
  • Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
    vertebrate and fish
  • Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
    vertebrate and reptile
  • Look at the image. Name the 3 main ways to classify this animal.
    vertebrate and fish