
Adaption - Ch3- L4

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  • Animal adaptions for protection:
    stingers / quills / smelly sprays / bittrer tasting flesh
  • Are hares and rabbits the same species?
    No. They belong to the same genus, but they're not the same species.
  • What does the word "features" mean?
  • What is the name of this butterfly? what's its adaption?
    Monarch butterfly. Poison.
  • What is it called?
  • Name 2 plant adaptions for protection:
    cactus thorns / harmful oil
  • What is the meaning of "To be adapted to" ?
    To have features or behaviours that help you survive in your enviroment.
  • Name a plant adaption to survive extreme conditions:
    Sundew plants: grow in nutrients poor soil => produce sticky substance => attract insects => make nutrients for the soil
  • What animal is this? Name one of its adaptions.
    Chipmunk / hibernation
  • Name 3 plant adaptions.
    1- Protection: cactus thorns - harmful oils / 2- reproduce: bee orchid (attract insects for pollination) / 3- survive extreme conditions: sundew pants
  • Animal adaptions to get food:
    Sharp beaks/ teeth/ claws
  • What does "bitter tasting flesh" mean?
    Meat that tastes bad
  • Animal adaption to survive the cold winter
    Hibernation- state of rest
  • Name an example of a plant adaption to reproduce
    Bee orchid: the shape attract insects and the insects help with pollination
  • What is the sharp part of a scorpion called?
    a stinger
  • Name 5 animal adaptions
    1- to get food: (sharp beaks/ teeth/ claws) / 2- Protection: stingers/ quils/ smelly sprays / bitter flesh / 3- warning from poison/ 4- moving / 5- Hibernation
  • Animal adaptions for running away from danger:
    Wings / fins
  • Name 3 animals that hibernate:
    Bats / chipmunks / marmots
  • What animal is this? Name one of its adaptions.
    Marmot / hibernation
  • What are adaptions? Give the definition.
    Physical features or behaviors that help an organism survive in its environment.
  • What animal is this?
  • What is this plant? name one of its adaptions.
    Sundew plants: grow in nutrients poor soil => produce sticky substance => attract insects => make nutrients for the soil
  • Define: Environment
    Everything that surrounds a living thing.
  • Living things need diffrent adaptions for diffrent purposes. (5)
    Protection / getting food/ hibernation / to move / to reproduce
  • Name: 3 reasons for plant adaptions
    1- Protection (cactus thorns) / 2- reproduce (bee orchid) / 3- survive extreme conditions (sticky substance for soil nutriennts)
  • What plant is this? what's its adaption?
    cactus / thorns for protection
  • Animal adaptions that warn from poison:
    Bright colours - Monarch butterfly
  • Name 3 adaptions of snow hares.
    - Thick fur (to keep warm in the snow) - White fur (to hide in the snow from predators) -furry legs (snow shoes)
  • What is this plant? name one of its adaptions.
    Beeorchid / attracts insects for pollination - to reproduce