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  • Would you prefer to travel back or forward in time? Why?
  • Would you rather be able to control fire or water?
  • What movie scene choked you up the most?
  • If you had an extra room in your house, what would you use it for?
  • What’s the most underrated or overrated TV show?
  • What technology from a science fiction movie would you most like to have?
  • If you could be close friends with any celebrity, who would it be?
  • What’s the worst thing you’ve eaten out of politeness?
  • What is your earliest memory? What happened?
  • Would you like to live in the world of the last movie/TV show/anime you watched?
  • If you opened a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?
  • What did you believe for way too long as a child?
  • One thing nobody here knows about you?
  • Which TV show do you want your life to be like? Why?
  • What was the worst book you had to read for school? How about the best book you had to read for school?
  • What is the longest book you’ve read?
  • What was the best thing that happened to you today?
  • Do you usually put up Christmas decorations in your house?
  • What song always puts you in a good mood?
  • What is something popular that really annoys you?
  • What was cool when you were young but isn’t cool now? Why?
  • What is your absolute dream job?
  • Did you make a New Year's Resolution this year?
  • One thing you would never like to do again and why?
  • Do people behave differently during Christmas?
  • What’s something common from your childhood that will seem strange to future generations?