
Conversation Challenges

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  • Topic: FREE CHOICE
    Say at least 1 comment and ask at least 1 question
  • Topic: soccer
    Say at least 1 comment and ask at least 1 question
  • Are they interested in what he is saying? How can you tell?
    Yes. They are making eye contact with him, and their bodies are turned towards him. They are interested and he can keep talking!
  • You've been talking to your friend Joe a lot about hockey and you see him start to look away. How can you change the topic to something he might be interested in?
  • She is talking all about her cat. Is he interested in this conversation? What can she say to change the topic?
    Anyways, do you have a pet?
  • True or False. It is okay to leave a conversation without saying bye
  • Topic: Haircuts
    Say at least 1 comment and ask at least 1 question
  • Topic: FREE CHOICE
    Say at least 1 comment and ask at least 1 question
  • How can you tell if someone is bored of your conversation? Name 2 signs
    They roll their eyes, turn away, look away, stop talk, lean on the table
  • The guy in this photo is trying to show his friend a video on his phone, is she interested? How can you tell? Should he keep showing her?
    No, she is turned away from him and not making eye contact.