
The Earth's Relief 2

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  • [OPEN BOOK] In which country in the west does the Great European Plain begin?
  • Which river is highlighted on the map?
    The Duero River
  • Which two mountain ranges are highlighted on the map?
    1. Sistema Central 2. Sistema Ibérico
  • [OPEN BOOK] Name a mountain range in South Africa.
    The Drakensberg Mountains
  • Which mountain range is highlighted on the map?
    Sistemas Béticos/ Cordilleras Béticas
  • Which river is highlighted on the map?
    The Guadiana River
  • Which river is highlighted on the map?
    The Ebro River
  • Which mountain range is highlighted on the map?
    Montes de Toledo
  • [OPEN BOOK] Name any 2 of the plateaus and old mountain ranges in Europe.
    The Meseta, the Massif Central, the Scandinavian Mountains and the mountains of the British Isles.
  • [OPEN BOOK] Name 2 of the main archipelagos found in Australia/ Oceania.
    Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia.
  • [OPEN BOOK] Which mountain range extends from the north to the south of South America?
    The Andes
  • Locate the Guadalquivir River Basin on the map.
    (see map)
  • [OPEN BOOK] What is the relief of the Canary Islands like?
    Hilly and of volcanic origin.
  • Which river is highlighted on the map?
    The Guadalquivir River
  • The Cordilleras Béticas are composed of 3 sectors. Name any 2 of those sectors.
    The Cordillera Penibética, The Cordillera Subbética and the Intrabaetic Basin.
  • [OPEN BOOK] What distance (km) do the Pyrenees mountains cover between the Mediterranean Sea and the Bay of Biscay?
  • Which mountain range is highlighted on the map?
    Cordillera Cantabrica
  • [OPEN BOOK] Name any 2 of the main features of land relief in Australia.
    The Great Dividing Range, the Nullarbor Plain and the Great Artesian Basin.