
4B Prepositions of Place

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  • My dad is a doctor. He works (at / in) a hospital.
    in a hospital
  • I always have lunch (in/ at) home.
    at home
  • They live (at / in) a small house.
    in a small house
  • My brother studies maths (in / at) the University of Manchester.
    at the University...
  • she usually goes (to / at) the gym after work.
    go to the gym
  • The children aren't (in / at) school today. It's a holiday.
    at school
  • On saturdays we sometimes have dinner (to / in) a restaurant.
    in a restaurant
  • We often go (at / to) the cinema on Friday evenings.
    go to the cinema
  • Do you have a TV (in / at) your bedroom?
    in your bedroom
  • what time do you go (to / - ) home?
    go home
  • Let's play football (in / to) the park this afternoon.
    in the park
  • I usually go (to / - ) home early on Fridays.
    go home
  • I live (at / in) a small flat in the city center.
    in a small flat
  • We love going (to / at) the mall at the weekend.
    go to the mall
  • My sister isn't here at the moment. She is (in / at) work.
    at work
  • I usually go (to / in) work by train.
    go to work