
General Knowledge Quiz 3

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  • What are the names of Harry Potter’s parents?
    Lily and James Potter
  • Which is the biggest island in the world?
  • Who is the Greek God of Music?
  • When light bends as it enters a different medium the process is known as what?
  • In the film “The Lion King”, what kind of animal is Timon?
  • Centigrade equals Fahrenheit at which temperature?
    -40 degrees
  • Which part of his body did Charlie Chaplin insure?
    His feet
  • Who ran the world’s first marathon?
    Pheidippides or Philippides
  • Who was the first character to speak in Star Wars?
  • How many feathers are used to make a shuttlecock?
  • How much is the maximum time allowed to find a lost ball while playing Golf?
    5 minutes
  • From which flower is the vanilla flavor derived?
  • Checkers were invented in which country?
  • What is the name of the very famous left-handed guitarist?
    Jimi Hendrix
  • How is the age of a tree identified?
    By the number of rings on the trunk
  • Which is the oldest tennis tournament in the world?
    The Championships, Wimbledon
  • Which is the largest and tallest tree in the world?
    Sequoiadendron giganteum or California redwood
  • Which is the largest landlocked country in the world?
  • What is the name of Peter Pan’s pirate enemy?
    Captain Hook
  • What kind of animal is Sid in Ice Age?
    A sloth
  • What is a group of lions called?
    A pride
  • Earth is located in which galaxy?
    The Milky Way galaxy
  • Botany is the study of?