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  • COMPLETE WITH PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Paul_______(do) athletics in the park every sunday.
    Paul DOES athletics in the park every sunday.
  • Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.There is/ are a table and four chairs in the kitchen. We can eat there.
    There is a table and four chairs in the kitchen. We can eat there.
  • Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.: I'd like a/an salad for lunch.
    I'd like a salad for lunch
  • Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: Can you make some/any rice for lunch?
    Can you make some rice for lunch?
  • Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: I don't want some/ any meat.
    I don't want any meat.
  • Write the -ING form of the verb: write
  • COMPLETE WITH PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS: I ___(GO) fishing with my dad every Saturday afternoon.
    I GO fishing with my dad every Saturday afternoon.
  • COMPLETE WITH PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Maths is really difficult for me. I ___ (understand) it.
    Maths is really difficult for me. I DON'T understand it.
  • READ THE SENTENCE AND WRITE THE WORD: I sit at this and do my homework.
  • Complete these sentences with the words from the box: COAT/ COSTUME/ HELMET / JEANS/ SKIRT / SOCKS/ T- shirt trainers. You have to wear your __________ today because it's very cold outside.
    You have to wear your COAT today because it's very cold outside.
  • Complete the sentences with the correct form of HAVE TO: We _______ to go to school on Saturday or Sunday.
    We DON'T HAVE to go to school on Saturday or Sunday.
  • Write the -ING form of the verb: decide
  • Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: We haven't got some / any jam.
    We haven't got any jam
  • COMPLETE WITH PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Luis ____ (do) his homework at the moment.
    Luis IS DOING his homework at the moment.
  • READ THE SENTENCE AND WRITE THE WORD: To make cake, fry an egg or boil vegetables, you need this.
  • Complete these sentences with the words from the box: COAT/ COSTUME/ HELMET / JEANS/ SKIRT / SOCKS/ T- shirt trainers. You aren't wearing _____________ so your shoes are uncomfortable.
    You aren't wearing SOCKS so your shoes are uncomfortable.
  • Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:Can I have a / an omelette?
    Can I have an omelette?
  • Complete the sentences with the correct form of HAVE TO: My sister ________ go to bed at 8 pm but I usually go to bed at 9:30
    My sister HAS TO go to bed at 8 pm but I usually go to bed at 9:30
  • Complete these sentences with the words from the box: COAT/ COSTUME/ HELMET / JEANS/ SKIRT / SOCKS/ T- shirt trainers: You can't wear those boots to go running. Put on your ____________.
    You can't wear those boots to go running. Put on your TRAINERS.
  • READ THE SENTENCE AND WRITE THE WORD: You have to put milk, cheese and meat in this.
  • Complete these sentences with the words from the box: COAT/ COSTUME/ HELMET / JEANS/ SKIRT / SOCKS/ T- shirt trainers. When you ride your bike, please put on your ____________
    When you ride your bike, please put on your HELMET.
  • Write the -ING form of the verb: RUN
  • READ THE SENTENCE AND WRITE THE WORD: We put all the plates, cups and glasses in this.
  • Complete these sentences with the words from the box: COAT/ COSTUME/ HELMET / JEANS/ SKIRT / SOCKS/ T- shirt trainers. In the summer my brother and I usually wear a ___________ and shorts._
    In the summer my brother and I usually wear a T- SHIRT and shorts.
  • Choose the correct word to complete the phrase:Let's buy some/ any ice cream for the party.
    Let's buy some ice cream for the party.
  • Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to: My mum say breakfast is very important so I ______ have a big breakfast every day.
    My mum say breakfast is very important so I HAVE TO have a big breakfast every day.
  • Complete these sentences with the words from the box: COAT/ COSTUME/ HELMET / JEANS/ SKIRT / SOCKS/ T- shirt trainers: I want to go swimming. Where's my swimming __________ ?
    I want to go swimming. Where's my swimming COSTUME ?
  • Complete the sentences with the correct form of HAVE TO: My sister ______ do homework because she's only five years old.
    My sister DOESN'T HAVE TO do homework because she's only five years old
  • READ THE SENTENCE AND WRITE THE WORD: I look at this when I brush my hair.
  • COMPLETE WITH PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS: My best friend ____ (come) from Switzerland. She ___ (speak) three languages.
    My best friend COMES from Switzerland. She SPEAKS three languages.
  • Choose the correct word to complete the phrase: There is / are two burguers and some / any potatoes on the table.
    There are two burguers and some potatoes on the table.
  • Write the -ING form of the verb: CARRY
  • Complete the sentences with the correct form of HAVE TO: _____ (you) stay at school wvery afternoon until 4p.m?
    DO YOU HAVE TO stay at school wvery afternoon until 4p.m?
  • Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to: I live near my school I ____get up very early in the morning.____
    I live near my school I DON'T HAVE TO get up very early in the morning.
  • COMPLETE WITH PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Marianna __(work) hard for her exams because she ___ (want) to go to university next year.
    Marianna IS WORKING hard for her exams because she WANTS to go to university next year.
    How often do you DO skiing?