
BB1+ Unit 7 Grammar Review

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  • If we _______ (do) the opposite, then maybe we'll survive.
  • 1. If I _________ (be) more careful with the business, then things __________ (may be) different.
    had been, may have been
  • If people continue to get their news from the internet, print newspapers ________ (not exist) in the future
    won't, will not
  • 5. Anyway, there's no point in thinking about what ________ (may happen) if things ________ (be) different.
    might have happened, had been
  • What _______ (my father/do) if he was here today?
    would my father do
  • 3. If I ________ (know) how it would change everything, I ________ (do) something.
    had known, would have done
  • If there ________ (not be) any newspapers, the world would be a worse place.
    weren't, were not
  • 6. What would you ________ (do) if you ________ (be) in my place
    have done, had been
  • What would happen to all the workers if we ________ (decide) to close down the papers?
    decided, were to decide
  • If we change the way we think, I know we can _______ (find) a solution.
  • Mother always says: 'If you ________ (be) flexible in life, you can adapt to change.'
  • 4. I'm sure you ________ (can help) me if I _________ (ask) you, but I was too proud to tell you what had happened.
    could have helped, had asked
  • There's still time to do something if we ________ (act) quickly.
  • 2. I also believe that the newspapers ________ (can continue) to be successful if they ________ (not invent) the internet
    could have continued, hadn't invented