
Flat Stanley Chapter 1-3

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  • What happened to Arthur while they were going back home?
    He got soaked!
  • a tube-shaped object that you wind thread around
  • a group of several things of the same type that are put on top of each other
    pile (of something)
  • to become red in the face, usually because you are embarrassed
  • to breathe in and out making a long sound, especially because you are bored, disappointed, tired…
  • What day of the week did Mr. Lambchop like to take his boys out with him ?
  • The policemen thought Mrs. Lambchop was ________.
    a cuckoo
  • Why did Arthur lay something on himself?
    he wanted to be flat like Stanley
  • What did Stanley's friend Thomas write on the envelope when he returned Stanley?
    valuable, fragile, this end up
  • to make something into the shape of a tube or ball
    roll up
  • How did Stanley become flat?
    an enormous bulletin board fell on him
  • Why did Stanley's Mom begin to cry when they were taking their walk?
    her favorite ring fell off
  • What two things did Mrs. Lambchop put in the envelope with Stanley?
    sandwich and some milk
  • When Arthur and Stanley got to the park, what were many older boys doing?
    They were flying kites
  • Stanley's clothes need to be ____________ed.
  • a path at the side of a street for people to walk on
  • travelling towards a particular place
    on my way
  • How did Stanley get to California?
    in an enormous envelope
  • My mum asked me to _______________________ on my little brother.
    keep an eye on
  • They are taking his ________________________.
  • a piece of string, thread, material, etc. bent into a curved shape (a cicrle)
  • What did Stanley use as a string?
    his shoelace
  • a strong thread used for tying or fastening things
  • Why was it difficult for Mr. Lambchop to bring Stanley and Arthur to the park?
    because of the crowd
  • How did Mr. Lambchop describe Stanley to his friend?
    Stanley is a smart boy.(''He is third from the top in his class at school'')
  • to push or knock against someone in a crowd
  • angry or annoyed with someone
    be cross
  • What is Stanley's last name?
  • Why did Stanley go to California?
    to visit his friend Thomas Jeffrey
  • Did Stanley enjoy being flat?
  • a passage which goes down through a building or down into the ground
  • Was Stanley hurt being flat?
    No, he felt tickly
  • How did Arthur feel about having to walk even though Stanley did not have to?
    He was jealous.
  • How did Mr. Lambchop carry Stanley with him?
    He rolled Stanley up
  • What did Arthur lay on top of himself?
    many books
  • How did Arthur feel when he couldn't slide under the door like Stanley?
    He was jealous.