
First and Third Person Point of View

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  • How are the points of view in the two passages the same or different?
    Both are third-person point of view.
    The first is third-person point of view, and the second is f
    Both are first person point of view.
    The first is first-person point of view, and the second is t
  • Narrated means _________.
  • How is the story in this passage being told?
    By a walrus
    By someone who isn't part of the action
    By a character
    By a reader
  • First-person point of view:
    is a character.
    uses words such as I, me, we, and our.
    tells his or her own story.
    all of the above
  • I, we, me, my, and our are pronouns for _____________.
    Third-Person Point of View
    Second-Person Point of View
    First-Person Point of View
  • Which word BEST helps readers understand the point of view of this passage?
  • The way in which the authors allows you to "see" and "hear" the text is __________.
    Point of View
  • All stories are narrated, but not all stories are narrated the same way.
  • How is the story in this passage being told?
    By someone who is part of the story
    By a reader
    By a character
    By someone outside the story
  • Third-person point of view:
    uses words such as she, his, their, and them.
    is not a character, but and outsider.
    all of the above
    tells the story of all the characters.
  • Which word BEST helps readers understand the point of view of this passage?
  • Different narrators can tell about the same events in different ways.
  • His name was Charlie Laird, and he'd lived in Cyprus Creek all twelve years of his life. He and his little brother, Jack, had grown up in a house just down the street. In fact, Charlie could see the old place from his new bedroom window.
    First-Person Point of View
    Third-Person Point of View
  • What point of view is being demonstrated?
    First-Person Point of View
  • I have no idea of the extent of this zoo. I know only my corner and whatever passes before me. On the day I was wheeled in, I only noticed two gates opening to admit me.
    Third-Person Point of View
    First-Person Point of View
  • Who is telling the story in this passage?
    A narrator without a name
    The sea
  • What point of view is being demonstrated?
    Third-Person Point of view
  • I'm a risk taker. That's why I score like crazy. I score on the go, with the ball in the air, with my back to the goal. I score in all weather. Dirt, mud, or ice, I score.
    Third-Person Point of View
    First-Person Point of View
  • She, his, their, and them are pronouns for ______________.
    Second-Person Point of View
    Third-Person Point of View
    First-Person Point of View
  • Jane's curiosity turned to amazement when she saw Mr. Baxter march across the lawn, right up to the front of the yellow house. He took hammer and nails from his overall pocket and a sign from under his arm.
    Third-Person Point of View
    First-Person Point of View
  • I stood in the sun and bounced up and down to keep warm. It was one of our usual California summer days. Later on, it would be hot. But right then I needed the sweatshirt that was buried in the big rubber dry bag.
    Third-Person Point of View
    First-Person Point of View