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  • While flying in the plane, Brian was thinking about...
    His parents' divorce
    What to eat for dinner
    Catching a fish
    His girlfriend
  • While eating the raspberries Brian encounters
    a porcupine
    a beaver
    a moose
    none of the above
  • Brian had a hard time trying to stay awake after the plane crash.
  • Brian knew the berries weren't poisonous because
    He saw the birds eating it
    He recognized it
    He saw a bear eating it
    It tasted sweet
  • Brian saw _________when he was riding bikes with his friend Terry.
    A bank robber rob a bank
    His friend stealing a candy bar
    His father with another woman
    His mother with a blonde man
  • As soon as he sees the bear Brian
    talks to the bear in a calm voice
    wrestles with the bear
    starts running in the opposite direction
    radios for help
  • Brian Robeson was headed to ________________ in a Cessna 406 to spend the summer with his dad.
    the cornfields in Oklahoma
    the oil fields in Canada
    the wilderness of North Dakota
    the coast in Washington state
  • Where was Brian headed to?
    North Dakota
    The Mall
  • Brian decided he should land the plane _________________.
    near a lake
    on top of a mountain
    in an empty field
    on an empty road
  • Brian remembered that when the pilot had the heart attack, _____________________.
    he jerked the rudder pedal turning the plane to the right
    he pulled the throttle making the plane go up
    he pushed the throttle making the plane go down
    he broke some instruments
  • How often did Brian use the radio to call for help?
    every ten minutes
    every half of an hour
    every two hours
    every hour
  • Brian woke up very _______________.
    foggy headed
  • The pilot can be described as rude and self-centered.
  • What did Brian always keep in sight so he wouldn't get lost
    The plane
    His shelter
    The lake
    His jacket
  • When Brian woke his legs were cramped his back hurt when he tried to move, but worst of all was
    the cut on his chest
    the throb in his head
    the twisting of his stomach
    the pounding in his jaw
  • Brian feels very nauseated when he wakes up from the crash.
  • Brian and his mother are very close.
  • How does Brian feel toward his mom and the Secret?
  • The novel is told in the third-person limited point of view.
  • When checking his possessions Brian does not find
    a wallet
    a fingernail clipper
    a twenty dollar bill
    a hatchet
  • Brian is a 13 year old boy who is upset by his mother’s secret.
  • Why does Brian become irritated with his mother in the car?
    She tells him she wants him to meet her new boyfriend.
    She calls his dad "father."
    She kisses him on the cheek and says she loves him.
    She tells him to be careful.
  • Brian is troubled by the secret.
  • What pest was bothering Brian
  • Brian calls the berries
    sour berries
    gut berries
    gut cherries
    sour cherries
  • What choices does Brian have about landing the plane?
    Turn back to get closer to someone who can hear him or keep traveling north
    Land the plane immediately or wait until he runs out of gas
    Stay in the plane or parachute out
    Turn to the south and try to land the plane or continue to fly north
  • What is the main conflict in Chapters 1-2?
    Brian's mother gives him a gift he doesn't like.
    The pilot has a heart attack leaving Brian alone.
    Brian spends summer with father instead of with his friends.
    Brian's parents get a divorce.
  • A piece of metal from the plane stabbed Brian in the leg during the plane crash.
  • What was Mr. Perpich always saying
    Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today
    Think about the positive, get motivated
    Slow and steady wins the race
    Remember the little engine that coul
  • Which statement from Hatchet contains a cause-effect relationship?
    He crawled out of the water, grunting with pain of movement.
    The crash is over and I am alive, he thought.
    The pilot in the plane, in the water, strapped in the seat.
    Because of the mosquitoes the backs of his hands were puffy.
  • Where is Brian going?
    New York
    Puerto Rico
  • Brian finds berry bushes by
    by listening to the wind
    following the birds
    by following the sweet smell
    by checking the position of the sun
  • The Cessna crashes because
    it hits a tree
    it runs out of fuel
    a bird hits the propeller
    Brian crash lands it on purpose
  • Brian goes to sleep
    with the hatchet by his head
    with the hatchet on his belt
    with the berries next to him
  • Brian knew the food was not poisonous because ______________.
    he saw a bear eating it
    it tasted sweet
    he saw birds eating it
    he recognized the food
  • The novel is set in the wilderness of New York.
  • The Cessna crashes because ________________.
    a bird hits the propeller
    the plane hits a tree
    it runs out of gas
    the plane has engine failure
  • What piece of advice does Mr. Perpich always give his students?
    Don't procrastinate.
    Suck it up, Buttercup.
    Remember the little engine that could.
    Stay positive.
  • Brian eats
    three pounds of rasberries
    two ponds of raspberries
    no raspberries
    one pound of raspberries
  • Brian is an expert at flying a Cessna 409.
  • A good title for chapter 6 could be
    The Rescue
    The Attack
    Food at Last
    New York
  • While Brian traveled, the pilot taught him
    How to steer the plane
    The ABC's
    How to use a hatchet
  • While Brian was riding in the Cessna he was thinking about ______________.
    his parents' divorce
    catching fish
    what he and his father were going to do over the summer
    his girlfriend
  • The secret is that his mother
    played the piano
    stole some money
    had an affair
    went skiing
  • The first sign the pilot wasn't feeling well was when _____________.
    the pilot said his eyes were burning
    the pilot grabbed his legs
    the pilot clutched his stomach
    the pilot rubbed his left shoulder
  • In a flashback, Brian remembered a time he and Terry ______________.
    went hiking in the park (forest)
    cooked hot dogs over a campfire
    had a birthday party at Pizza Hut
    went swimming at the lake
  • Brian appreciates the lawyers and judges who handled the divorce.
  • The first sign the pilot wasn't feeling well was when
    He rubbed his shoulder
    He grabbed his chest
    His eyes watered
    He clutched his stomach
  • Which of the following describes Brian's mindset at the end of chapter 6?
    mean and lonely
    shy and sad
    trusting and caring
    motivated and driven
  • Brian thought the place where he had landed was ugly with its brown trees.
  • Brian's English teacher Perpich was always saying _______________.
    think about the positive
    don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today
    remember the story of the little engine that could
    slow and steady will win the race
  • What does Brian think about while he's in the plane?
    his parents' divorce
    his best friend
    catching fish
    his summer plans with his dad
  • Brian is the only one who knows The Secret.
  • What kind of food did Brain look for after thinking about a survival show he saw on TV.
    lizards and fish
    wild rice
  • What two words keep coming into Brian's mind as he is riding in the plane?
  • Before the sun came up Brian was bothered by ______________.
  • Brian vomits before the pilot dies because he is scared.
  • Brian used the pilot's headset to call for help.
  • After drinking the lake water Brian
    is hurt
    is hungry
    is happy
  • When Brian collected his possessions he had coins, a fingernail clipper, $20, and __________.
    pocket knife
    pack of gum
    a candy bar
    the hatchet
  • What happened to Brian when he was 9 years old?
    Brian broke his collar bone while skate boarding.
    Brian was hit in the nose with a baseball.
    Brian drove his bike into a car and broke his ankle.
    He got stitches around his eye where he was hit by a rock.
  • The plane crashes in a round lake.
  • Brian throws up most of the water he drinks the first time.
  • Brian's mother gave him a pocket knife as a gift
  • Which type of narration describes a person outside of the story telling the story from the viewpoint of one character?
    2nd person
    1st person
    3rd person limited
    3rd person omniscient
  • Brian realises that the searchers will not find him for a long time because
    he is under the dense cover of trees
    he does not have a radio
    he crushed too far off course
    they do not fly that far
  • Brian’s mother gave him a pocket knife as a gift before he went to see his father.
  • When Brian sorted out his thoughts he figured this was the first day after the crash, and_____.
    he would probably be rescued later that day
    he could build a fire so the rescue would be able to see him
    he was closer to his dad's house and would be taken there
    he was near the Pacific Ocean
  • When he wakes up Brian's face is
  • A piece of scrap metal from the plane stabbed Brian in the leg during the crash
  • Why does Brian accept the gift of the hatchet?
    He wanted to see if he could use the tool.
    He knew the tool would be useful.
    He feels badly for not speaking to his mother.
    He knew the gift was expensive.
  • The author of Hatchet, Gary Paulsen, most likely wrote Hatchet to ____________.
    amuse readers with a funny story
    persuade readers to learn how to drive a Cessna 406
    inform readers how to survive a plane crash
    entertain readers with a story about a courageous boy
  • Brian hears the pilot screaming during the plane crash.
  • Brian was very hungry and kept thinking about eating ___________.
    some tacos
    some pizza
    a steak
    a hamburger
  • What did Brian always keep in sight so he wouldn’t get lost?
    the lake
    his shelter
    the airplane
    his jacket
  • Brian is severely injured after the plane crash.
  • When hungry, Brian dreams of a
    turkey burger
  • Brian is a 13 year old boy who is upset by his mother's secret
  • Brian remembers a Thanksgiving meal he had last year.
  • Perpich, the English teacher said that Brian
    was the best student he ever had
    should use his hatchet more
    needed to write better essays
    was his own most valuable asset
  • Brian decided he should land the plane
    in the trees
    on an empty road
    at Disneyland
    on a lake
  • Brian finds the raspberries to be
    sour and tangy
    sweet and delicious
    sweet and tangy
    sweet and sour
  • While Brian traveled, the pilot taught him ________________.
    how to read the instrument panel on the Cessna 406
    how to use a hatchet
    how to fill the gas tank on the Cessna 406
    how to steer a Cessna 406
  • In the morning Brian eats only the berries which
    are light red
    smell less foul
    are maroon coloured
    are without pips
  • When Brian realized that it might be several days before he would be rescued, he decided to___.
    make warm clothes from tree bark
    build a shelter
    roll himself in a ball and cry
    try to catch fish for dinner
  • Brian saw ___________________ when he was riding his bicycle with his friend Terry.
    his teacher get hit by a car
    his mother with a blonde headed man
    his girlfriend with another boy
    a bank robber shoot a policeman