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  • My brother works in an office
  • The mobile phones are used by millions of people every day.
    Mobile phones
  • Where´s a book you were telling me about ?
    the book
  • I bought a beautiful necklace on holiday.
  • I had 90 percent in the history exam we had yesterday.
  • Last year we visited Washington and New York.
  • When I got home I saw letter waiting for me.
    a letter
  • Money makes world go round
    The world
  • People who were here yesterday want to say thank you.
    The people
  • We went to Czech Republic last summer.
    the Czech Republic
  • The cars cause more pollution than the planes.
    Cars/ planes
  • This is a biggest party in the world.
    the biggest
  • That´s a fifth competition we´ve won this year.
    the fifth
  • This is the shirt I bought yesterday.
  • Don´t do anything until you´ve talked to a headmaster.
    the headmaster
  • We live in small house
    in a small house
  • You´ll find Steve in a kitchen.
    in the kitchen
  • I was born in the early 1980s
  • About 350,000 people year visit this castle.
    a year
  • Unemployment is getting worse in our country