
Flip the card (PE5 3-5)

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  • Lucky!
  • What does "find out" mean? How is it different from "find"?
    выяснить, отыскать
  • The other person thinks of a word. Guess this word!
  • How many letters in the English word for смотреть?
    Watch - 5 letters
  • Lucky!
  • Find something that is red.
  • Find in the room something that is green.
  • What do you write down?
  • You need to write down notes, but you have no pen. What do you do?
    For example, ask the teacher/a classmate
  • Unscramble the word: "rndki"
  • What can you find out?
  • What do you like to eat?
  • Show how you walk, how you sleep, how you drink.
  • What is missing: I _______ the question.
  • What do you ask or answer?
    a question
  • This word has "e" in it and has 3 letters. What is this word?
  • What do you like to drink?
  • Complete this: match _____
  • Show how you write down something.
  • Say these 5 words in English: читать, гулять, спать, есть, смотреть.
    Read, walk, sleep, eat, watch
  • What letter is missing: "a_sw_r"
    n, e
  • Lucky!
  • Your classmate wants to copy your answers. Will you give him/her your answers?
  • How often do you sleep?
  • Under 1 minute say all verbs of action you know
    go, watch, do, eat, sleep, drink, read, read, walk, run, play
  • What is missing: They ______ ___ information
    find out
  • Show how you ask teacher a question
  • Write on the board a sentence with "write"
    For example, I write a story.
  • Translate: добавить, скопировать, ответить
    add, copy, answer
  • Lucky!
  • Lucky!