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  • Don't speak so _______. I can't understand you. (fast/fastly)
    Don't speak so fast. I can't understand you.
  • I tasted the soup _______. (careful/carefully)
    I tasted the soup carefully.
  • Please be _______. I'm trying to read. (quiet/quietly)
    Please be quiet. I'm trying to read.
  • Can you speak more _______ ,please? (loud/loudly)
    Can you speak more loudly ,please?
  • I speak English _______. (well / good)
    I speak English well.
  • Maria _______ opened her present. (slow/slowly)
    Maria slowly opened her present.
  • That was a _______ answer. (clever / cleverly)
    That was a clever answer.
  • I ran _______ to the station. (quick / quickly)
    I ran quickly to the station.
  • Julia is a _______ person. (careful / carefully)
    Julia is a carteful person.
  • You look _______. Didn't you sleep well? (tired / tiredly)
    You look tired. Didn't you sleep well?
  • She's such a _______ dancer. (good/well)
    She's such a good dancer.
  • The little boy looked _______. (sad/sadly)
    The little boy looked sad.
  • She cooks _______. (terrible / terribly)
    She cooks terribly.
  • Our basketball team played _______ last Friday. (bad/badly)
    Our basketball team played badly last Friday.
  • The music was _______. (beautiful/beautifully)
    The music was beautiful.
  • Her English is _______. (well / good)
    Her English is good.