
1st Kids - End of the Year

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  • What's he doing?
    He's skating.
  • The radio is _________ the wardrobe.
  • Say 3 COLOURS
    blue, red, white, purple, black, gray, orange, pink, brown, green
  • I ________ play ___________ .
    I can play tennis.
  • Have you got a camera?
    Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
  • What's he WEARING?
    He's wearing sunglasses, a blue scarf, a yellow jumper, blue trousers and red shoes.
  • Can you play the recorder?
    Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
  • He ____________ play the drums, but he can't ______________.
    He can play the drums, but he can't skateboard.
  • I haven't ___________ binoculars.
  • Where's the lamp?
    It's ON the table.
  • Say 3 NUMBERS
    one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten...
  • I have toast, eggs and juice for ____________ .
  • It __________ got feathers. It can't ___________.
    hasn't - fly
  • What is it?
    It's a bin.
  • It's _____________. It's sunny and hot.
  • What is it?
    It's a compass.
  • It's got _________. It can ___________ .
    It's got 4 LEGS, A HEAD, A TAIL, HAIR. It can RUN, and JUMP.
  • I _________ pasta. I __________ like vegetables.
    LIKE - DON'T