
Georgia Milestone Mania for Grade 5

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  • A box contains 36 cans of tomato sauce. Each can has a mass of 425 grams. What is the total mass in grams of all the cans?
    425 x 36 = 15,300 grams
  • Describe the relationship between the value of the digit 4 in the number 4,321 and in the value of the digit 4 in the number 3,421.
    The value of the 4 in the number 4,321 is 10 times greater than the 4 in the number 3,421, because 4,000 is 10 times greater than 400.
  • What is the quotient of 4.48 and 3.2?
  • The adult leaf-footed bug is about 3/4 inch long. The adult thorn bug is about 1/2 inch long. The model shows how the lengths of the bugs are related. How much longer is the adult leaf-footed bug than the adult thorn bug?
    1/4 inch
  • True or False: All triangles have at least 2 acute angles.
    True! It's the third angle that names the triangle according to its angles.
  • Nikita is mailing a package that has the size shown below. What is the volume of the package?
    378 cubic inches
  • A stack of 12 pennies is 18.24 millimeters high. How thick is each penny?
    1.52 mm
  • Alex answered 6 questions incorrectly on his math test. Brennan answered incorrectly 2/3 of the number that Alex answered incorrectly. How many questions did Brennan answer incorrectly?
    What is 2/3 of 6? 2/3 x 6 = 4 questions
  • Look at the problem. Do you agree? Why or why not?
    The difference between the weight of the ground beef and the weight of the sausage is 1 and 3/8 pound NOT 1 and 1/2 pound.
  • One box of crackers contains 2,470 calories. Each serving of crackers contains 83 calories. About how many servings are in the box?
    Estimate: 2,400 divided by 80 = 30
  • What is the product of 67.5 and 4.8?
  • Using the graph, what is the shipping cost for a package weighing 8 pounds?
  • What numbers go in the boxes to make each equation TRUE?
    6 divided by 1/7 = 42; 7 divided by 1/4 = 28; 5 divided by 1/9 = 45; 5 divided by 1/6 = 30
  • Joshua claims that he can cut a square into two ISOSCELES ACUTE triangles. Do you agree or disagree? Why or Why not?
    Joshua is half correct. He will make two Isosceles RIGHT triangles.
  • Corinne makes juice by mixing 12 different types of juice together. The line plot shows the number of cups of each type of juice that she uses. How many cups of juice did Corinne make in all?
    60/8 OR 7 and 1/2 cups of juice
  • Look at the model. Shai has 1/4 of a bag of flour. She thinks she can make 3 batches of pancakes from the flour left in the bag. What fraction of the whole bag does each batch of pancakes require?
    1/12 of the bag
  • If 9 people share a 50-sack of rice equally by weight, how much rice should each person get?
    5 and 1/10 pounds of rice (50 pounds divided by 9 people equals 5 and 5/50, then simplify)
  • Select a word that will make the statement true.
    Sometimes, Never, Never (Triangles are named according to their sides AND angles.
  • Insert parentheses to make the equation true.
    (18 - 12) × 5 + 4 × 2 = 38
  • Adya made trail mix with 1 and 3/4 cups of almonds, 5/8 cup shredded coconut, and 1/2 cup of dried mango. How many cups of chocolate chips does she need to add to have 4 total cups of trail mix?
    Multi-step question with an answer of 1 and 1/8 cups of chocolate chips.
  • Becca and Jemma are reading the same book. Becca is on page 150 and reads 7 pages a day. Jemma is on page 110 and reads 15 pages a day. After how many days will Becca and Jemma have read the same number of pages? (Make a table.)
    After 5 days, both girls will have read the same number of pages.
  • What is the difference of 113.4 and 75.96?
  • Choose yes or no to tell if the statement is TRUE.
    YES, YES, NO, NO
  • What is the sum of 52.84 and 46.9?
  • Find the area of a rectangle that is 2/3 ft. by 5/6 ft.
    10/18 OR 5/9 square foot