
B2 Unit 13-15 Review

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  • RTC
    respond to criticism
  • IWED
    I was extremely disappointed.
  • RCF
    receive constructive feedback
  • I've been putting this out for far too long. It's time to do it.
    ...putting this off for....
  • WM.....
    What's more.....
  • She gave me some really good advices.
    ...really good advice...
  • RI
    raise issues
  • It's a great opportunity of career development.
    ....opportunity for career......
  • REORDER: opportunity If up take I'll it don't regret I this.
    If I don't take up this opportunity, I'll regret it.
  • IST....
    It seems that.....
  • REORDER: Vietnam I the familiar things way with in worked wasn't
    I wasn't familiar with the way things worked in Vietnam.
  • TRBT.....
    The reason being that......
  • WHN?
    What happened next?
  • SPEAK: Talk about a situation where it is good to be accepting.
    Answers will vary
  • WHYD?
    What had you done?
  • IWU...T.....
    It wasn't until....that.....
  • ATWB
    As time went by....
  • COMPLETE: I'll never be s______ unless I do it.
  • REORDER: not people's very feelings sensitive He's to
    He's not very sensitive to people's feelings.
    So that was the first problem.
  • ITE....
    In the end....
  • SHDY....?
    So how did you ....?
  • COMPLETE: The plus p_______ are .....
  • CORRECT: It's been a long-time goal of mine to work with children.
    ...a long-term goal....
  • COMPLETE: I'd really a_______ it if.......
  • COMPLETE: It's a win-win s________.
  • PM
    performance management
  • DT
    development tool
  • SWDYD?
    So what did you do?
  • CORRECT: This is hard fair.
    This is hardly fair.
  • I was working with a children charity in Cambodia.
    ..a children's charity....
  • CORRECT: Make sure you're informed at the business etiquette of your host country.
    ....informed about the......
  • COMPLETE: It's a once in a l________ opportunity.
  • AC
    address concerns / assessment criteria
  • REORDER: there also for are But benefits company the other
    But there are also other benefits for the company.
  • RO
    rate objectives
  • COMPLETE: We have very s_______ rules that must be followed.
  • REORDER: get because I'll do the this never I'd to opportunity again like
    I'd like to do this because I'll never get the opportunity again.
  • DEFINITION: A word that means "organized in levels"
  • If you're hesitating around taking a risk, just do it.
    ...hesitating about taking...
    It came about because of .....
  • I worked for a voluntarily organization in Bosnia.
    ....voluntary organization...
  • The trip really enlarged my horizons.
    ...broadened my horizons...
  • REORDER: I'd experience would The be invaluable gain
    The experience I'd gain would be invaluable.
  • CAA
    conduct annual appraisals
  • AO
    agree objectives
  • I feel grateful about the opportunity to take a career break.
    .... grateful for the ....
  • COMPLETE: My last company was very f_______ . We didn't even use first names.
  • EV
    express views
  • COMPLETE: Everyone needs to be r_______ of people, no matter where they come form.
  • PR
    peer / perfomance rating
  • DEFINITION: A word that means 'shared by all the group'
  • REORDER: recharge My motivation needing comes for my to this batteries from
    My motivation for this comes from needing to recharge my batteries.
  • CORRECT: I intend taking a six-month break from work.
    I intend to take....
  • The company's retain rate is really low.
    ....retention rate....
  • CORRECT: I put my success down to being tolerant on different cultures.
    ...tolerant of different.....
  • SYNONYM: A synonym for 'classless'
  • COMPLETE : Business travellers need to be a_________ of cultural differences.
  • DEFINITION: A word that means 'allowing freedom'
  • AIA.....
    All in all.....
  • COMPLETE: I understand your m________ but....
  • EUW
    end up with
  • The break renewed their enthusiasm of work.
    ....enthusiasm for work...
  • CORRECT: I'm not used to working in such an individualist culture.
  • GT
    go through
  • REORDER: is This chance a afford miss can't to I.
    This is a chance I can't afford to miss.
  • The break allowed me to recharge the batteries. recharge my batteries....
  • CORRECT: It's something I've wanted do for a long time.
    ...wanted to do.....
  • CORRECT: I've been inspired for seeing how it has benefited others.
    ...inspired by seeing.......
  • SYNONYM: A synonym for careful.
  • L....
  • MP
    monitor performance
  • SPEAK: Talk about a situation where it is good to be 'individualistic'
    Answers will vary
  • VJ
    value judgement
  • IRSM
    It really surprised me.
  • SPEAK: Talk about a situation where it is good to be open.
    Answers will vary
  • SA
    staff appraisal
  • I was feeling uncertain around the change, but I'm glad I did it.
    ...uncertain about .....